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Fred G. Hooper

Ph.D. Biochemist, Nutritionist, Noted Product Formulator, Writer & Lecturer

Dr. Hooper earned his B.S. in Biology, Chemistry, and Math from Stephen F. Austin University in Texas, received his Ph.D. in Biochemistry and Nutrition from Texas A&M University, and conducted postdoctoral research at the Institute for Biomedical Research at the University of Texas.

A talented and accomplished communicator, Dr. Hooper is an expert in the field of human nutrition and biochemistry. He taught biochemistry at Texas A&M, Dept. of Biochemistry and Nutrition, and taught Biology, Chemistry, and general science courses at the high school level.

He is credited with numerous scientific publications, studies, articles, abstracts, and presentations in nutrition. A member of the SAB since 1984, Dr. Hooper frequently lectures on nutrition and supplementation throughout the world. Dr. Hooper has participated in research on vitamins, hormones, lipids, and amino acids, and is a noted product formulator. He brings an in-depth understanding of the intricate environment of the individual human cell. Dr. Hooper is dedicated to providing consumers with the “straight talk” information they need to make informed decisions about nutrition.

He focuses on exploring how the thousands of synergistic nutrients in natural whole foods nourish, protect, and regenerate cells, and how whole-food supplementation can create optimum nutrition at the cellular level to enhance wellness.

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