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John R. Miller

SAB Director, Product Technologist, Researcher

Originally an electronics engineer from Silicon Valley, California, Mr. Miller’s experience in product science and technology dates back to 1966. Following a brief career at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Moffet Field, California, he switched career paths and moved into product manufacturing. His experience leading to his current position as Vice President of Science and Technology includes manufacturing administration, domestic and international product development, and international research and marketing for NeoLife International.

In his 40+ years of experience, Mr. Miller has researched, developed, and marketed more than 500 products in more than 50 countries. He works closely with the Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN) in Washington, D.C. (and is currently a member of their Senior Scientific Advisory Council) and the Direct Sales Association (DSA) to support the health and business interests of NeoLife and its distributors. He is also a member of the New York Academy of Sciences.

Mr. Miller’s ongoing concerns include issues that influence the direct sales and health products industries, particularly health claims regulations, promoting health awareness, protecting freedom of choice, and helping to protect our environment. An excellent communicator, Mr. Miller is noted for his ability to adapt highly technical scientific material into easily understood language.

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